What is Grappling, Jiu Jitsu, Wrestling and Judo?
Grappling is an umbrella term to encompass all the grappling arts.
Jiu jitsu is a system of controls on the ground which lead to submission of the opponent.
Wrestling and Judo are both standing arts which primarily focus on taking an opponent to the floor.
We believe standing and ground techniques must be trained together.
Do I need any experience?
No former experience is necessary, Our classes are open to all regardless of experience or fitness level. We encourage students to train at the pace that suits them. Everyone on the mat is there to help you along to way, We all remember our first class!
I'm not as young as I used to be, is it too late for me to start?
Never, jiu jitsu can be enjoyed by all. A good coach can tailor your training to suit your body type, age, weight, etc.
I heard BJJ is full of injuries, is this true?
In any contact sport there is going to be accidental injuries. However, the right kind of training environment and training partners you trust greatly reduces these risks. We endeavour to ensure everyone stays healthy on the mats.
What equipment will I need?
Initially, nothing other than an open mind and maybe, tracksuit bottoms/shorts and a T Shirt. A mouth guard is recommended. In time you may wish to buy your own rashguard, grappling shorts, or gi.
What measures do you take for safety?
As we are a full contact sport we cannot guarantee a fully injury free experience as that largely depends on how you approach your training, however we take every measure to keep our students safe. A training enviroment where egos aren't in check can be a dangerous place. We try to foster a culture that training is for learning new skills, Not "winning". Training this way and with each others safety in mind, the majority of injuries can be avoided.
Do I have to Compete?
Of course not! ... While competing is a great way to battle test your skills, it is not essential and does not appeal to everyone. The journey of learning jiu jitsu will provide lots of highs and lows without ever competing.